Recognize the Signs of Abuse and Help Children Find Safety
Child Abuse Prevention
In collaboration with partners on the West Virginia Task Force on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse Erin’s Law implementation efforts, we produced tools to help WV teachers, school service personnel, youth-serving organizations, parents, and community members become more comfortable recognizing signs and symptoms of abuse, and knowing how to respond.
West Virginia Task Force On The Prevention Of Child Sexual Abuse

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
Teacher Resources
The West Virginia Department of Education has provided an online toolkit for teaching body safety to all grades, produced a Teacher’s Guide for protecting children during COVID-19 and information on Detecting Child Abuse in a Remote Learning Environment, as well as a coloring book meant to help adults talk to children about the coronavirus and how it has changed their world.
Guides and Resources
Download Teacher’s Guide
Download Detecting Child Abuse in a Remote Learning Environment
Download Covid-19 Coloring Book
Download Body Safety Toolkit
Lesson Plans
Protecting Children During a Crisis, Darkness to Light
Straight Talk About Child Sexual Abuse: A Prevention Guide for Parents
10 Ways to Teach Your Child the Skills to Prevent Sexual Abuse
Be the Boss of Your Body Curriculum (K-4)
To receive additional support for child sexual abuse prevention, check with your local child advocacy center.
Child Abuse
Prevention Resources
Mandated Reporter Hotline Magnet
Signs of Child Abuse Fact Sheet
Middle/High School Mirror Clings
Elementary/Middle School Posters

It’s On Us West Virginia!
It’s on Us WV is a recently launched website that includes resources for parents, educators, professionals, and community members focused on social-emotional learning for youth, tips for parents and caregivers, and steps to help keep children safe. We encourage every community member to step up and take part in preventing sexual violence!